The Finnish Cyclists’ Federation’s Safer Space Guidelines

In all activity, the Finnish Cyclists’ Federation follows the Federation’s equality and non-discrimination guideline. All participants must follow our safe space guidelines at the Federation’s events. Failure to follow the guidelines may result in being removed from the event.

The Finnish Cyclists’ Federation’s Safer Space Guidelines

  1. Everyone has the right to their personal space. Be aware of the diverse needs for personal space and respect everyone’s physical and psychological integrity – demand it also for yourself when necessary.
  2. Treat everyone with respect, be aware and value our community’s diversity. Neither the Finnish Cyclists’ Federation nor its member organisations tolerate discrimination of a person or a group on the grounds of disability, health, gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity.
  3. Recognize your own privilege. By privilege, we mean advantages granted to certain social groups that protect against discrimination in most situations. Question your actions and pay attention to the language you use and how you use the shared space. Use positive language.
  4. Give space to others and make sure that everyone is heard and included. Recognize that not everyone wants to be equally vocal or at the center of attention, and that there are many ways to participate in an activity. Everyone has the right to express their feelings without harming others.
  5. All events organized by the Finnish Cyclists’ Federation and its member organisations are harassment-free. Harassment includes, for example, verbal harassment, inappropriate touching or staring. If someone asks you to stop disruptive behavior, you have to stop it. If you notice inappropriate behavior, intervene calmly and professionally.
  6. Be open to feedback about your own actions and, if necessary, provide feedback to others. If you are notified of something, do not minimize your behavior, even if unintentional, but learn from it. Remember to also give positive feedback.

Our guidelines in cases of harassment and discrimination

Every employer is bound by law to anti-harassment and anti-discrimination principles. These guidelines also apply to members and volunteers of the organization. Discrimination and harassment – or even suspicion of them – will be addressed in all situations. All reports and suspicions of discrimination are always taken seriously. It is important to resolve the situation immediately between the parties, listening to all sides.

If you notice harassment or discrimination:

  1. If you notice harassment or discrimination, address it right away. Do not leave the targeted person alone.
  2. Notify the person in charge of the event about the incident. It is their responsibility to intervene and act proactively in such a way that similar situations do not arise.
  3. If notification is not possible or the situation is not resolved, the matter can be referred to the Board Chair or the occupational safety and health authority.

If you experience discrimination or harassment:

  1. Contact the Federation’s staff  / your supervisor /the organization’s board of directors /the person in charge of the event, or whomever you feel comfortable approaching. Discuss the situation with the person you contacted. It is important to address all incidents because it will help the Finnish Cyclists’ Federation to improve event safety in the future.
  2. Remember that you can decide whether to address the situation with the person discriminating or harassing you, or whether you prefer they get notified about the incident in another way.

Incidents of harassment and inappropriate behavior can take many forms and therefore there is no universal solution on how to address them. However, below is a list of ways in which a work community can systematically restore the community to its normal state if harassment or inappropriate treatment has taken place. The course of action will depend, among other things, on the parties involved and the severity and duration of the incident.

  • A reprimand by the Executive Director or the Board Chair
  • A discussion between the parties involved in the incident of harassment or inappropriate behavior
  • Supervisory action
  • A mediated conversation with occupational health and safety
  • Additional anti-harassment training
  • In serious cases, we follow the instructions and guidelines provided by the authorities


Janne Paananen, executive director

p. 044 745 1149

Mari Marjamaa, producer

P. 044 244 3278

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