VeloFinland 2023 presenters


Children´s healthy mobility. Moving from small school project to national recommendation.

Anna-Karin Lindqvist, Associate Professor, Luleå University of Technology

Anna-Karin has years of experience leading a multidisciplinary research team concerning children´s healthy mobility. She has been appointed Innovator of the Year 2018 and received the Marie Curie Seal of excellence.

Anna-Karin will go through creating and disseminating national health promoting recommendations with a special focus on children. She will talk about combining learning and gamification to promote active school transportation, using empowerment to build a sustainable project and utilizing children’s enthusiasm to overcome parents’ hesitation.

Anna-Karin Lindqvist


EU’s bicycle strategy’s impact on Finland – discussion

Henna Virkkunen, Member of the European Parliament VeloFinland’s Friday afternoon brings you a rare opportunity to hear directly from Henna Virkkunen, a Finnish member of the European Parliament. Henna will be joined by Lauha Fried (Policy Director, Cycling Industries Europe) and Martti Tulenheimon (Chief Specialist, Pyöräliitto) to discuss the impact and opportunities that EU’s bicycle strategy will have on development of bicycle traffic in Finland. 

Henna Virkkunen


An interview with cartoonist Tiitu Takalo

Tiitu is a cartoonist, illustrator, painter and a feminist from Tampere. Takalo’s most recent cartoon Polkimilla – Nyt, ennen ja tulevaisuudessa (Suuri kurpitsa 2023), was created in collaboration with academy research fellow, Tiina Männistö-Funk.

The interview will introduce us to Takalo and the background of the cartoon, which is loosely based on Männistö-Funk’s research and talks about the changes in the place that bicycling holds in urban traffic, including personal experiences the author has had while riding a bike.

Tiitu Takalo


Geoprivacy – a platform for open sharing of anonymised cycling data

Juha Oksanen, Prof. Head of Department, Geoinformatics and Cartography, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute

As the Head of Department, Juha and his research team have worked for years with topics relating to individual level location data privacy questions.

Juha’s presentation will give concrete examples of the vast potential that a platform for open sharing of anonymised cycling data can bring to traffic planning and creating new, livable urban environments.

Juha Oksanen


Tule mukaan!

Liittymällä Pyöräliittoon olet mukana edistämässä pyöräilyn erottamista jalankulusta, hyvää reittien talvikunnossapitoa, turvallisia kouluteitä, ihmisten kannustamista pyörän selkään ja pyöräliikenteen huomioimista lainsäädännössä.

Pyöräliitto tavoittelee 30 % nousua pyöräilyn kulkutapaosuudessa vuosien 2018-2025 välillä. Tämän saavuttamiseksi tarvitsemme tukeasi

Liity joukkoon iloiseen!

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