Keynote speakers

Minttu Korsberg, Secretary General, Suomi liikkeelle -program

Minttu works as Secretary General of Suomi liikkeelle -program in the Ministry of Education and Culture. The program aims to increase the mobility of the Finnish people through cross-programatic actions, including advancement of cycling and pedestrian traffic. In addition to her work, Minttu is a doctoral researcher in Administrative Sciences at Tampere University. Minttu’s favorite mode of transportation is cycling.

Thursday, 26.9. at10:50 Avanti hall

Anna Huttunen, Climate Neutral Cities Advisor, NetZeroCities

Anna currently works for NetZeroCities, a platform which supports European mission cities to reach climate neutrality by 2030. Anna joined Climate KIC and the NetZeroCities City Advisor team after working several years in city administration. Anna has a strong background in sustainable mobility and has worked on developing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), building the ecosystem and breaking the silos, implementing and measuring their results. Anna is a keen advocate for cycling (the future of transport in cities) and has also worked on environmental governance from a participatory standpoint, working to improve communication efforts and citizen engagement in past roles.  She aims to make others excited about sustainable mobility and the co-benefits it has to offer. Anna was selected for BBC’s list of 100 inspiring and influential women from around the world in 2023.

Friday, 27.9. at 9:00 Tehdas hall

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