Keynote -puhujat

VeloFinland 2024 virallinen suojelija on Liikunta-, urheilu- ja nuorisoministeri Sandra Bergqvist.

Liikunta-, urheilu- ja nuorisoministeri Bergqvist käsittelee opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön nuoriso- ja liikuntapolitiikan osastolle kuuluvat asiat, mukaan lukien opintotukiasiat. Hänet valittiin eduskuntaan vuonna 2019 ja hän on RKP:n varapuheenjohtaja. Vapaa-ajalla Bergqvist rentoutuu juoksemalla, pyöräilemällä sekä liikkumalla luonnossa.

Anna Huttunen, Climate Neutral Cities Advisor, NetZeroCities

Anna currently works for NetZeroCities, a platform which supports European mission cities in reaching climate neutrality by 2030. Anna joined Climate KIC and the NetZeroCities City Advisor team after working several years in city administration. Anna has a strong background in sustainable mobility and has worked on developing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), building the ecosystem and breaking the silos, implementing and measuring their results. Anna is a keen advocate for cycling (the future of transport in cities) and has also worked on environmental governance from a participatory standpoint, working to improve communication efforts and citizen engagement in past roles.  She aims to make others excited about sustainable mobility and the co-benefits it has to offer. Anna was selected for BBC’s list of 100 inspiring and influential women from around the world in 2023.

Perjantai, 27.9. klo 9:00 Tehdassali

Minttu Korsberg, pääsihteeri, Suomi liikkeelle -ohjelma

Minttu työskentelee Suomi liikkeelle -ohjelman pääsihteerinä opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriössä. Ohjelman tavoitteena on lisätä väestön liikkumista poikkihallinnollisilla toimenpiteillä, mukaan lukien kävelyn ja pyöräilyn edistäminen. Työnsä ohella Minttu tekee Tampereen yliopistossa väitöskirjatutkimusta tiedolla johtamisesta julkishallinnossa. Mintun lempikulkuväline on pyörä.

Torstai, 26.9. klo 10:50 Avanti-sali

Henk Swarttouw, President, European Cyclists’ Federation

Henk has been a professional diplomat in the Dutch foreign service for 30+ years, working in the US, France, the UK, Finland and, of course, the Netherlands. Henk served as Dutch ambassador to Finland from 2012 to 2015 and as Dutch ambassador to Denmark from 2015 to 2019. Until leaving the Foreign Service in the summer of 2020, Henk worked as Dutch ambassador for International Organisations. He is now an independent advisor on sustainability and international cooperation. Henk has been cycling to school and to work for over 50 years. Since his arrival in Finland in 2012, he has been actively engaging in cycling diplomacy. Henk initially joined the ECF board as Vice-President in 2019, putting his international experience and diplomatic skills at the disposal of ECF and its members. In April 2021, he was elected President of ECF by their members following a vote at the Annual General Meeting.

Torstai, 26.9. klo 11:20 Avanti-sali


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